September 15

MAP Coaching What it is Why I use it

MAP Coachingâ„¢ is the simplification of the Process Healing Method by Dr Garry Flint a clinical psychologist. Inspired by his work with Trauma, Schizophrenia & Bipolar, Dr Garry spent his career working with the difficult cases and realised the traditional ways weren’t enough or very successful. Collette Streicher studied with Dr Garry for 12 years and with his blessing developed his work into the MAP Coaching protocol. Essentially there is a part of each of us which intrinsically knows how to heal. We’ve all heard of people who come back from the brink of death through some sort of healing or aha moment that allows a deep healing to take place. This place is called the Superconscious. MAP Coachingâ„¢ allows the practitioner to tap into that part on your behalf and work with it and through you to bring deep healing in all areas of your life. It also allows you to supercharge goals, change habits, install new routines and work through family dynamics and many many more. A truly remarkable process that I offer in both one on one and group sessions If you’d like to know more about me then check out my website :


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So what is PSYCH-K®?
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